Torture of Jamel Longstreet by Evansville Children's Psychiatric Center and Indiana Child Protection Services
Timeline of Corruption:
Today is August 10, 2014. I wish to make public knowledge the trauma that Kathleen Carmosin of Indiana Department of Child Services (CPS), Judge (magistrate) Faith Graham, Lafayette Police Department, Tippecanoe County Sheriff’s Office, Angle Stone of HGCF, Fairfield Township, Dr. Shannon Jones of Evansville Children’s Psychiatric Center, Dr. Jeffrey W. Vanderwater-Piercy, and others have caused my family. As Alex Jones and other research experts say, CPS=Child Pedophile Services NOT Child Protection Services. Before I get detailed, I would like to make something clear: Of course there are bad parents. Nobody said that there was not. I also want to add that when I first moved to Indiana, I was constantly told by a lady that Indiana has the highest adoption rate and is very, very good at taking children for basically anything. I ignored her, thinking that she must have abused her kids. The longer I stayed, the more I saw that she was correct and was trying to help me from the kindness of her hear. Not only is that the case, but Indiana is the worst state for this kidnapping pedophile ring. Yet, CPS hides under a name that has it appear that they only want to protect children. While that may have been the original purpose for the company, it has moved far from what its intent. Do a Google search on “CPS corruption” for further details.
My son Shaun has emotional and mental issues. Take that and mix it together with adolescence. One day Shaun left home without permission and was told by authorities at the Tippecanoe County Juvenile Probation Center that he can leave as much as he wanted and they would do nothing because he is a minor. Now back in the day, parents would tap their bottom and that would be the end of that story. However, today, kids are being told they can run wild even by authorities. Here is the catch in my case: Shaun remembered what the police said and left again. Remember the cocktail of emotional issues, mental issues, and adolescence with the extra ingredient from the authorities telling him that he will not get in trouble because of his age.
Meanwhile, I was forced by angry, armed, Officer Pierce of Lafayette Police Department to sign a document. Later, CPS tricked me to sign a document as if they were setting my older son, Shaun up for some type of service like Big Brother/Big Sister or counseling or something to help him manage his behavior and feelings. In other words, if your children are having emotional issues, medical issues, behavioral issues, or come across anything that makes the family vulnerable, you may easily become a target for the police and CPS to work together to have you appear to be the worse parent in the world. Or let’s say that your family is not perfect. If your kids or family is NOT perfect, that makes vulnerable to CPS. If your children have medical or mental issues, you are vulnerable to be a CPS victim. Now, let me tell how screwed up the system is since I have been studying the law and CPS since December of 2012: CPS are to help children from being harmed from parents or guardians. Did you know that now CPS policies are being constantly revised by politicians/policy makers where the parent or guardians does not have to harming the child for the child to be taken? Ex: According to CPS, if your child has trouble, you are still blamed for being abusive and neglectful when abuse and neglect has nothing to do with the picture. After CPS forced, me to sign that paper using coercion, I was in for a nightmare of my life. The following is just a portion of what has happened since Shaun( 12 years old) and Jamel Longstreet(11 years old) were captured (December/2012), tortured, and drugged:
On 8/29/13, my appointed time to meet for court was during the 11 O’clock hour. Judge Faith (magistrate) Graham of Superior Court 3 in Lafayette, IN, lead the court to believe (lied) that a doctor from Evansville Children’s Psychiatric Center would be hooked up via telephone to give progress, updates, and suggestions about my son, Jamel Longstreet. Of course, Evansville Children’s Hospital is holding my son and treating him despite me informing them months in advance of him entering the hospital that I do NOT consent to treatment. Anyway, I cross-examined the person who was supposedly representing Evansville Children’s Hospital; the woman said that she “only works in medical records”. Yet, at the same time, she was NOT QUALIFIED to give medical advice about my son. Neither I nor anyone else has heard of a person in medical records taking on the role of a qualified therapist or doctor to make medical suggestions. This was the trick: She was not qualified and never swore under oath. I was the one to swear under oath. Not even CPS swore under oath. Hmmmm. Very tricky. I tried to file charges for holding my son Jamel and Shaun hostage. I faxed charges for kidnap and torture all across Indiana into police stations. As for me, I was no convicted, charged, or had parental right termination during the above mentioned court date. So, my children should be home. CPS and the judge are holding my Shaun and Jamel Longstreet hostage after my house has been scraped down by police using a falsified search warrant. They even illegally took things that were not on the warrant. After all of that scraping-NOTHING but embarrassment for them. They did not find enough to charge me nor did they find the so called evidence that Casey Langston lied and said that I told her existed. To get an unqualified medical record person to make a recommendation about my son is an abuse of power. Falsified Documents: In court, this supposed person representing Evansville Children’s’ Psychiatric Center knew nothing of my Jamel’s medical history nor times of any significant events. Not only that she in “medical records” NOT a doctor or therapist. She went on to relate that my son said a lot of horrible things about me that never came out until after I made a couple of police reports. This was an act of retaliation since I have tons of evidence filed (illegally hidden by Judge Faith Graham from public) in court that clearly shows that medical documents have been changed to fit and cover up every exposure I make. My son did not all of a sudden change his mind about me and start making all types of weird allegation. Also, during my cross examination, this medical records representative said that my son was away for some time and felt safe. But, I still cornered her by telling her that my son has been away from me before the CPS and why did he not tell someone of my awful behavior. She acted as if she had no clue what I was talking about. Why did my son Jamel say this all of a SUDDEN? Now even an idiot knows that the courts are lying to cover themselves. That is equivalent to falsifying medical documents. I have not lied once .Yet, CPS and Faith Graham has lied and I exposed them. Why are they not in jail?
Where is Jamel who had nothing to do with Shaun leaving home? Jamel Longstreet remains at Evansville Children’s Psychiatric Center in Evansville, Indiana. He is drugged beyond recognition in order for him to stop crying when he missing me. Do you think that I am lying by saying that it is Jamel is drugged in order to make him stop missing me? For one thing I saw in his medical records his behavior since the kidnapping. I saw that he was indeed on medication for his behavior from missing me. For another thing, I have a link from an expert that says the same thing:
My son Shaun has emotional and mental issues. Take that and mix it together with adolescence. One day Shaun left home without permission and was told by authorities at the Tippecanoe County Juvenile Probation Center that he can leave as much as he wanted and they would do nothing because he is a minor. Now back in the day, parents would tap their bottom and that would be the end of that story. However, today, kids are being told they can run wild even by authorities. Here is the catch in my case: Shaun remembered what the police said and left again. Remember the cocktail of emotional issues, mental issues, and adolescence with the extra ingredient from the authorities telling him that he will not get in trouble because of his age.
Meanwhile, I was forced by angry, armed, Officer Pierce of Lafayette Police Department to sign a document. Later, CPS tricked me to sign a document as if they were setting my older son, Shaun up for some type of service like Big Brother/Big Sister or counseling or something to help him manage his behavior and feelings. In other words, if your children are having emotional issues, medical issues, behavioral issues, or come across anything that makes the family vulnerable, you may easily become a target for the police and CPS to work together to have you appear to be the worse parent in the world. Or let’s say that your family is not perfect. If your kids or family is NOT perfect, that makes vulnerable to CPS. If your children have medical or mental issues, you are vulnerable to be a CPS victim. Now, let me tell how screwed up the system is since I have been studying the law and CPS since December of 2012: CPS are to help children from being harmed from parents or guardians. Did you know that now CPS policies are being constantly revised by politicians/policy makers where the parent or guardians does not have to harming the child for the child to be taken? Ex: According to CPS, if your child has trouble, you are still blamed for being abusive and neglectful when abuse and neglect has nothing to do with the picture. After CPS forced, me to sign that paper using coercion, I was in for a nightmare of my life. The following is just a portion of what has happened since Shaun( 12 years old) and Jamel Longstreet(11 years old) were captured (December/2012), tortured, and drugged:
On 8/29/13, my appointed time to meet for court was during the 11 O’clock hour. Judge Faith (magistrate) Graham of Superior Court 3 in Lafayette, IN, lead the court to believe (lied) that a doctor from Evansville Children’s Psychiatric Center would be hooked up via telephone to give progress, updates, and suggestions about my son, Jamel Longstreet. Of course, Evansville Children’s Hospital is holding my son and treating him despite me informing them months in advance of him entering the hospital that I do NOT consent to treatment. Anyway, I cross-examined the person who was supposedly representing Evansville Children’s Hospital; the woman said that she “only works in medical records”. Yet, at the same time, she was NOT QUALIFIED to give medical advice about my son. Neither I nor anyone else has heard of a person in medical records taking on the role of a qualified therapist or doctor to make medical suggestions. This was the trick: She was not qualified and never swore under oath. I was the one to swear under oath. Not even CPS swore under oath. Hmmmm. Very tricky. I tried to file charges for holding my son Jamel and Shaun hostage. I faxed charges for kidnap and torture all across Indiana into police stations. As for me, I was no convicted, charged, or had parental right termination during the above mentioned court date. So, my children should be home. CPS and the judge are holding my Shaun and Jamel Longstreet hostage after my house has been scraped down by police using a falsified search warrant. They even illegally took things that were not on the warrant. After all of that scraping-NOTHING but embarrassment for them. They did not find enough to charge me nor did they find the so called evidence that Casey Langston lied and said that I told her existed. To get an unqualified medical record person to make a recommendation about my son is an abuse of power. Falsified Documents: In court, this supposed person representing Evansville Children’s’ Psychiatric Center knew nothing of my Jamel’s medical history nor times of any significant events. Not only that she in “medical records” NOT a doctor or therapist. She went on to relate that my son said a lot of horrible things about me that never came out until after I made a couple of police reports. This was an act of retaliation since I have tons of evidence filed (illegally hidden by Judge Faith Graham from public) in court that clearly shows that medical documents have been changed to fit and cover up every exposure I make. My son did not all of a sudden change his mind about me and start making all types of weird allegation. Also, during my cross examination, this medical records representative said that my son was away for some time and felt safe. But, I still cornered her by telling her that my son has been away from me before the CPS and why did he not tell someone of my awful behavior. She acted as if she had no clue what I was talking about. Why did my son Jamel say this all of a SUDDEN? Now even an idiot knows that the courts are lying to cover themselves. That is equivalent to falsifying medical documents. I have not lied once .Yet, CPS and Faith Graham has lied and I exposed them. Why are they not in jail?
Where is Jamel who had nothing to do with Shaun leaving home? Jamel Longstreet remains at Evansville Children’s Psychiatric Center in Evansville, Indiana. He is drugged beyond recognition in order for him to stop crying when he missing me. Do you think that I am lying by saying that it is Jamel is drugged in order to make him stop missing me? For one thing I saw in his medical records his behavior since the kidnapping. I saw that he was indeed on medication for his behavior from missing me. For another thing, I have a link from an expert that says the same thing:
Alex Jones has news articles on CPS drugging kids REGULARLY, especially if they cry for missing you:
Alex Jones has news articles on CPS taking children and raping them REGULARLY:
Pesticide testing on children article:
I hope that I have set the stage for readers to digest the points: Medical problems, mental problems, home-schooling, getting a second opinion from another doctor, etc. set the stage for CPS, doctors, etc. to make money. Being late for school leads to truancy. If you want your child on a different medication from what the doctor wants, that leads to a CPS case. All kids can be removed over an act of disobedience from another child. If a child fails a test in school, that can lead to a CPS investigation. If you have dirty dishes while the other house is clean, that leads to a CPS case. CPS being greedy for money leads them to accuse families of abuse and neglect in order to take children. See, that watch families with ideal circumstances. When the circumstance becomes ripened, they attach extra claims to wreck your reputation and life. Now the question of the century: How was I abusive or neglectful when I did my part as a parent? Well, you do not have to abuse or neglect your kids to have them taken by CPS. Isn’t that sad? IF you think that these children who are kidnaped, thrown on drugs when they miss their parents, raped and molested are O.K., you are wrong. There were so many problems that my children have since the Kidnaping that it hurts to talk about since I know they are in the hands of known pedophiles.
What should have been the solution in my case? #1 -Shaun evaluated and determined how much of his issues contribute to his behavior and a plan specific to his needs put in place. #2- Leave Jamel in the home since he had nothing to do with Shaun leaving home. Am I a genius for coming up with the solution? No. It is just that CPS, police, doctors, lawyers, etc. would get more money if they can lie and twist everything around to make me appear to be abusive or neglectful. See links to confirm:
Recent Findings: * Evansville children’s Psychiatric Center and CPS of Indiana have been caught stealing money from the government by drugging children under the pretense of helping children. See
This link says in part:
The Indiana Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (the State agency) claimed $10.5 million in Federal reimbursement for Medicaid inpatient psychiatric service and disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments made to Evansville Psychiatric Children's Center (Evansville) for claims with dates of service during the audit period, January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2010. Of that amount, $7.6 million was not claimed in accordance with Federal requirements for inpatient psychiatric hospital services.
High Adoption Rates mean that CPS is taking a lot of children unlawfully. Indiana has the Highest Adoption rate:
This link says in part:
The Indiana Office of Medicaid Policy and Planning (the State agency) claimed $10.5 million in Federal reimbursement for Medicaid inpatient psychiatric service and disproportionate share hospital (DSH) payments made to Evansville Psychiatric Children's Center (Evansville) for claims with dates of service during the audit period, January 1, 2006 through December 31, 2010. Of that amount, $7.6 million was not claimed in accordance with Federal requirements for inpatient psychiatric hospital services.
High Adoption Rates mean that CPS is taking a lot of children unlawfully. Indiana has the Highest Adoption rate:
State of Indiana- Indiana has highest death rate of foster care children-listen to around minute 23 of the following video:
Governor Mike Pence is one of the driving forces behind the Indiana’s adoption corruption:
My attempted Relief:
I have written all of my legislators pointing out the change in CPS stories. I have contacted Senator Joe Donnelly, Senator Dan Coats, Representative Todd Rokita, and Sheila Klinker. They just turn a blind eye even when I showed them documentation that CPS lied about what they claim that my son said. I showed documentation that showed them to be lying on several medical/professional documents. My son had not said such things that CPS claimed. I filed all of the correct court documents in court on time. The more I expose this corruption and torture, the more I am harassed by Lafayette Police Department. They are even tapping my phone. My latest harassment (physical encounter) was on 6/12/14. I have been victimized by Fairfield Township (Trustee, Julie A Roush) in Lafayette, IN. Fairfield Township lied regarding my bill and is leading to an eviction and extra pain in my life. Little did I realize, after questioning this office, I realized that Judge Faith Graham and Fairfield Township would speak about my CPS corruption case. (Both are public officials/buddies)They did not have my best interest at heart and used it against me when I went in for financial assistance. I have tried Ombudsman of Indiana. They said that CPS has not broken any policies even after I pointed out that they did by not giving me my initial court hearing. The FBI, Health and Human Services, Social Security, Department of Education, Indiana Inspector General, Indiana Attorney General, Governor Mike Pence, and Mayor Tony Roswarski, and others. There are so many other agencies informed of my case of corruption. Since this is worldwide, if one thinks that these public officials are not getting a cut, please think again. Ex:
I filed a Habeas Corpus (See attachment) Corpus in Court. Everyone ignored this legal document (our legislators and police across Indiana have a copy of this document) I have been incarcerated more than once by CPS and Judge Faith Graham in an attempt to get me to sign papers. (Including contracts with Evansville Children’s Psychiatric Center). I refused and was left in jail until they felt like releasing me. Below are inserts from the letter I sent to our legislators: (They made it look like being quiet for 2 minutes was abusive-how ridiculous). CPS paperwork said that my son said "NO" to sexual abuse. (Can provide upon request) Later, he supposedly said "YES". Something sounds fishy here. My younger son and I were bonded during visits. First, CPS tried to win on physical abuse. That failed since they were stripped and nothing was found. In addition, in court CPS admitted that my son changed his story about a scratch on his foot. Later, they tried neglect. By doctor’s note refutes that. So, they lost. Next, they tried sexual abuse claiming I put them on video tape naked. Police did a search warrant on all storage devices and found nothing. They lost there. Next, the resorted to getting my younger child write something against me. See, first my son said, “NO". Now he said, “YES" supposedly. Now keep in mind that my doctors do not support ANY of this nonsense. They were seen regularly once per week by our doctors and therapists. They stated otherwise. Yet only AFTER AFTER AFTER CPS case opened I am all of a sudden this uneducated monstrous person. With all of this change in stories on every court date and changing of medical documents in court, this no more than LEGALIZED ROBBERY Now, I am resubmitting a copy of my son Jamel telling to 3 different medical officials/Interviewers that “NO” sexual abuse occurred. Yet, Judge Grahams sat back and watched me expose the contradiction and fabrication of medical documents and did nothing. Do not sit back and do nothing when CPS gets to lie in court with evidence wide open for you to see that they are fabricating along with Judge Graham. I will also attach a copy of my last court appearance in front of Judge Graham. ______________________________________end of insert____________________________________
*** See attachment that no sexual abuse occurred. **** Now of course, they tried to ask my son have I ever asked them to get undressed. Now, all parents have asked their child to get undress at some point. So, CPS tried to twist things around. Of course one child has seen the other naked at some point. Of course, CPS tried to turn that around. Only sick and disgusting people would try to twist everyday activities and turn them into more than it may be. Other well respected sources say the same about them twisting everything around. But the hardest evidence is that “NO” indication of sexual abuse occurred. (See the attachments). Of course, later CPS tried to cover themselves. Above where it mentions being quiet for 2 minutes is an incident where my son Jamel and I were eating under the direction of HGCF (co-conspirator), contractor with CPS. While I was chewing my food, Angela Stone, so called parenting coach, told me that if I do not get to talking that my visits would be terminated. I have not seen my children since. (She was implying that me taking a breath to chew my food was considered abuse or neglect). Now, do you see how foolish these folks are? Yes, I have not seen my children since taking 2 minutes to chew my food is now considered abuse and neglect in the eyes of CPS. My rights are falsely terminated (See attachment)
***Lawful Notice***
Neither CPS nor Judge (magistrate) Faith Graham was lawfully able to make any decision on my case other than dismissing it since they clearly had no jurisdiction. If they had jurisdiction, they were supposed to prove in in court by document. This is shown thorough what I filed. They has the other party by law had to prove that they had the power or authority or make any type of ruling on my case. They also illegally proceed and decided on my case without my plea. (See attachment)The court (Faith Graham and CPS) failed to properly establish jurisdiction, failed to show the contract that I am under, violated my constitutional rights, unlawfully entered void court orders that violated my constitutional rights, practiced extortion, used coercion, and Judge Faith Graham is practicing law from the bench. All jurisdictions have ceased according to title V of U.S. code section 556D and 557 section 706 of that code. Even if the courts or CPS had jurisdiction, it was lost when I was denied due process. By my filing for proof of authority I challenged their authority. That is one of the many ways that CPS and the magistrate broke the law in proceeding and making decision on my case. Argument: "Once jurisdiction is challenged, the court cannot proceed when it clearly appears that the court lacks jurisdiction, the court has no authority to reach merits, but, rather, should dismiss the action." Melo v. US, 505 F2d 1026. "The law requires proof of jurisdiction to appear on the record of the administrative agency and all administrative proceedings." Hagans v. Lavine, 415 U. S. 533. Faith Graham refused to acknowledge in her fake court order that I was Pro Per instead of Pro Se. According to the law, Pro Se means to proceed. She just broke the law in every way. She bullied me and is torturing my children. In court when I told her my rights, she jumped up and appeared to be throwing a tantrum. These judges throw tantrums when we know our rights. I guess it was one of her tantrums to keep me in jail on more than one occasion for not giving up my rights. (See Attachment)So, since I did not give them up, she bullied me by stealing my children away without an ounce of wrongdoing. I stopped signing even jail documents. So, I do not have other paperwork to show that I was incarcerated more than once. Please not that this document is designed in a way to present it as if I have to sign it. That was a trick of intimidation. I was to participate in sexual abuse assessment (see attachment) although it was proven that was not charged or convicted for such a thing. Also, this was not criminal court. Since this is civil court (contract only). They tried to trick parents to believe that they have to take these classes. No, you don’t Setup: CPS takes children for the silliest reasons. (The most ridiculous story I heard of was CPS attempting to take a child because the child failed a test in school)You fight like mad to get them back. You become financially unstable due to the amount of energy you put into the fight. CPS then uses the financial instability against you so that they can have a reason the keep the children. (See eviction attachment)
Relief Received: None
Important Note:
I do not and have never had a problem with taking drugs or selling drugs, violence, or problems or desires of hurting myself or others. Lafayette Police Department is harassing, stalking, falsely incarcerating me, and tapping my phones. If anything happens to me, I am making public record that it definitely was NOT suicide. I do not have a history of wanting to hurt myself. That claim will not work.
I was incarcerated again on June 12, 2014 when I arrived to speak to my Landlord about my unlawful eviction*. Cambridge Estates, Robin Probst, said I was being incarcerated for “Trespassing” since I was evicted unknowingly. Before getting in the police car, I was told that I was not being incarcerated for “Trespassing” but for “Family Court. I was transferred to Tippecanoe County Sheriff’s Department (Tippecanoe County Jail). I was denied underwear when I was on my cycle. I bled through my pants on down to the front leg of my pants. I was denied underwear after I requested them. I filed a grievance just get underwear. I was still denied underwear. I heard while there that this jail constantly deny women underwear while they are on their cycle. ” The Child Support court finally threw out the case. I did represent myself in court and objected when appropriate and learned about the law. So, I have no idea if I was finally released because of me representing myself appropriately or because I had an organization on the outside who cared for me and regularly appeared to visit. I must add that Lafayette Police Department has the norm of charging folks with “Resting Arrest”. I was charged with “Resisting Arrest” for asking to see a “Warrant”. The charges apparently were dropped for lack of evidence which would show that they would look ridiculous in court. Now these police are just out of control. I just thank my God that I was always in a public place with witnesses when I was arrested. It was hard for the charge of “Resisting Arrest” to stick and was dropped as far as I know. If you think that an innocent parent cannot be incarcerated constantly out of retaliation, see below link:
I started noticing during my stay at Cambridge Estates, whenever I was going through a
170 N. Perry Road, Suite 198
P.O. Box 900
Plainfield, IN 46168
Contact: Nick Shrout Phone: (317) 777-6306
Corrupt 72 Our Eviction Notice
Yesterday, June 10, 2014, I came home and found a 72 hour eviction notice on my
door at 2510-D Grenadier Lane. Not to mention that I was never given a 30 day
notice. However, upon looking closer, I saw that the letter was dated for the
previous day(Monday). However, I was given it on Tuesday. Tuesday-Friday=72
hours. I can count. So what is this corrupt business that Cambridge Estates and
CPS are running? CPS, Judge( actor in a black gown), and Lafayette HOusing
Authority have all conspired to torture, drug, kidnap and torture my children
Jamel and Shaun Longstreet. Now, the courts and Cambridge are conspiring to
throw me off by being dishonest with my eviction notice in stealing a day from
me. How dishonest and disgusting. This corruption will be exposed by me until
and can not expose anymore. I have been retaliated against for exposing all
involved by having my phone tapped constantly, intercepted text messages in a
pretence to be me texting, police
harassment, falsified documents in court, interrupting my relationship on my
job, eviction, etc. Yes, Lafayette Housing Authority is involved and had me
taken off the program for me knowing my tenant rights. You people have crossed
the line so many time by enjoying torturing people, their kids, and just being
plain and bodldy dishonest in your business practice. My day to be removed
should be honored by it being Friday, June 13, 2014.( not to mention I did NOT
receive a 30 day notice as most places). What is this dishonest business
practice that you guys are running?
Ms. Bingham-Longstreet
_____ End of email message minus video evidence and my email address ______________________
My Recommendations:
* Move out of Indiana if you know a state that does not have a high adoption rate and where the police are not money hungry to trump up false charges for money at the end of the month to meet their quota.** Never sign anything that CPS offers even if they threaten you. * Get a strong support system if your children are taken. * Never open your door to CPS or police without a warrant. * Never trust police since there are a number of You Tube Videos from professionals exposing the risks.* Choose a doctor who you can trust that does not have a contract with the state. (State run organizations contract with each another to make money even if it hurts others) * Do not waste time complaining to other state organizations or our elected officials since they are aware and a part of the corruption.( See above on corruption by Mike Pence)* Be aware of getting assistance from HUD, Section 8, your Trustee, or other elected officials and government agencies since they will use your financial situation against you.* Do not allow CPS to ruin your self-esteem if you are a good parent.* Do not lease with Cambridge Estates or their sister companies since they work with the courts and police in corruption.
I swear under penalty and perjury that everything in this document is true. I swear under penalty and perjury that no documentation uploaded has been altered to fit what I mentioned.
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